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  • Writer's pictureRomina Tuazon

Turning the threat of COVID-19 into an opportunity

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

As COVID-19 continues to spread, individuals are highly encouraged to wear a mask and do social distancing. Last March our company decided that all staffs will work from home for the safety of everyone. All of us thought that after one month, virus will go away and we will get back to normal. Never known a life would be this strict, not being able to hang out with friends or family and that we can only go out if necessary like doing groceries.

At the start of the pandemic, the massive job losses were centered in tourism, travel and restaurants. Travel increases chance of getting and spreading Covid-19 that's why many are afraid to travel and many countries prohibit entry by tourist. As the economy plunges, millions of people have already lost their jobs. We reached 7 months working at home, unfortunately our company decided to close. Now, I am one of millions people who lose their jobs.

The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything that’s ever happened to this generation, it is natural to feel the pressure. What matters most is to recognize those negative feelings and focus on turning them into positive ones. Even though we’re all struggling, I believe that in every crisis also lies an opportunity. As I was browsing Facebook, I saw this page which caught my attention. They offer online job courses to freelancers, virtual assistance services to brands and businesses and franchising opportunities. I got curious how freelancing can be different from my previous job.

I know this situation of Covid-19, social isolation is new, challenging, and also a bit scary for all of us. I truly believe this crisis will bring out the best in people. Everyone has the ability to shine and persevere through this time. It is a matter of believing in yourself and keeping the end in mind. We don't know what the future holds. Now, I want to see the chance in my freelancing journey.

Keep going, be strong, and stay safe.

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